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What Do Rabbits Eat

We are adding meat rabbits to our backyard farming operation. What do these animals eat? Rabbits are easy and inexpensive to feed. As herbivores and grazers, they eat continuously.  Rabbits, however, have sensitive stomachs and require a varied, high-fiber diet. …

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How Often Should I Deworm My Horse?

Many opinions exist as to how often horses should be dewormed. What do you recommend? Horse owners for many years dewormed horses every two months. This frequency, however, resulted in tremendous parasite resistance. In addition, researchers discovered that only 20…

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How To Attract Wild Birds

We hung a bird feeder with sunflower seeds in our backyard. Unfortunately, we have attracted only a few common species, such as cardinals, goldfinches and sparrows. How can we attract more birds? You are off to a great start with…

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